Success Stories

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Logistics and Transport

Case Uello + BAT Brasil


BAT Brazil Goal

The search for a partnership arose from the need to address deficiencies in solutions from major national and international players … 


The implementation of the project took place in January 2022 and the expansion of the crowdshipping operation is still taking place. Today, the entire distribution operation for BAT points of sale is already managed by the Uello 360 solution.


Features implemented during the project

Noticeable benefits identified throughout the Uello + BAT project:
  • High quality of the clustering and routing algorithm;


The results were noticeable in the first year of implementing the platform in BAT Brazil's operations in São Paulo:
+ 0 %
The vehicle occupancy optimization rate went from 45% to 80% with other substantial savings, such as reducing headcount costs, optimizing logistics operations with process automation and system unification
0 %
Increased driver satisfaction, using the NPS assessment, the result was 90% satisfaction
+ 0 x
Flexible fleet volume doubled from 15% to 40%

International Expansion

The partnership between Uello and BAT continues to expand and with the successful implementation of the system in operations in Brazil, other BAT regions have shown interest in the SaaS product, such as Colombia and Chile, where they already operate with Uello 360. In addition to the internationalization of the solution, Uello has constant improvement fronts that allow the solution to be improved and bring more benefits to the operation.

In order to solve the same problems found in Brazil, such as the lack of visibility, integration and better logistics performance, Uello is moving towards internationalization to solve these challenges and help more countries to carry out their deliveries in the right way ✅📦

Uello 360 Platform
Watch the videocase Uello + BAT Brasil Success Story
BBM Logistics Project Award 2023

BBM Award finalist for the second consecutive year, in 2023.

Uello and BAT Brasil were finalists for the BBM Projeto Logística 2023 Award in the “Operational Improvement” category, with the Uello 360 Implementation case in BAT operations.

Case Uello and Renner

In the second quarter of 2022, Uello began a partnership with Lojas Renner SA that brought both benefits to operations and the e-commerce customer experience.


Deliveries within two days (D+2) increased by +6 percentage points compared to the same period of the previous year and those within one day, in the metropolitan regions of SP and RJ, increased by 19 percentage points.

BBM Logistics Project Award 2022

At the end of 2022, Uello and Lojas Renner SA won the BBM Logistics Project Award 2022 in the “Startup” category, an event that aims to recognize outstanding projects in the area of ​​logistics and Supply Chain with successful cases.

Case Uello Express

In 2023, the Uello Express platform was launched with the aim of serving carriers that partner with Uello operations. The new process, with little implementation time, brought numerous benefits, reflected in the main success indicators.


Carrier working hours


Registered users


Deployed carriers

Uello Expertise

“Our expertise is to assist clients in logistics processes and in terms of management and an enchanting delivery experience. Uello solves the main pain points in the market, which includes the difficulty of technological innovation in transport management. In addition, we help companies find their deliveries in the right way, valuing the customer journey.”

Fernando Sartori, CEO.

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The search for a partnership arose from the need to address deficiencies in solutions from major national and international players in the logistics technology market with which BAT already worked.

Uello was chosen for the project not only for its operational capacity and crowdshipping network to make the logistics network more flexible, but also for its technology in developing management systems to organize its own operations.

Noticeable benefits identified throughout the Uello + BAT project: 

  • High quality of the clustering and routing algorithm;
  • Possibility of cost reduction with digital notarized scanning of POD delivery receipt;
  • Calibration with geocodes and delivery windows;
  • Optimization scenarios (less distance or fewer vehicles);
  • Inclusion of multiple collection points;
  • Security restrictions (car size, delivery time);
  • Control Tower (Real-time monitoring and delivery forecast);
  • Tracking and messaging tool;
  • Uello interface with Salesforce and SAP;
  • Scalability and performance of the technological solution;
  • Operational management and control (operational scalability);
  • Flexibility in developing new features for product evolution.